The Sacrament of Confirmation, along with Baptism and Eucharist, is one of the three sacraments of initiation. At Confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens the baptized Christian and endows her or him with gifts to enable us to carry out our mission to be Christ in the world and to continue building God’s kingdom. 

Our journey together invites us all to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is that we all become further acquainted with the unconditional Love of God, so that we might face the challenges of life rooted in faith and without fear.


Preparation for Confirmation is a two year process, which includes the diocesan requirement of 30 hours of Sacramental Prep class per year as well as participation in a Confirmation retreat. Classes for  Confirmation One (Grade 7) will be held on Sunday evenings and Confirmation Two (Grade 8) will be held on Wednesday evenings throughout the year.  

Confirmation Service Projects

Stewardship is the sharing of our time, talent and treasure out of gratitude to Almighty God for all the blessings that He has bestowed upon us. In preparation for Confirmation, it is important that you reflect on and identify those areas in your lives where you excel and find a way to share them with others, especially the marginalized. This is an opportunity for self-reflection to see what gifts God has given you.  Stewardship is always for non-profit and need not be measured by hours.

With the help of your family, you are asked to:

  1. Choose from each of the following areas:
  • One parish project
  • One community project                                                                                 

Write a reflection on both of your experiences. The guidelines for this reflection can be found by selecting the following link.

Confirmation Service Projects

Mass Attendance

The Eucharist is the center of our lives as Catholics and faithful weekend Mass attendance is required every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation as preparation for Confirmation. If you attend Mass at another Parish, please bring a bulletin from that parish signed by a parent to the next class. 

Sponsor Selection

A Sponsor will be chosen by each candidate at the beginning of their Confirmation preparation. The sponsor will be required to obtain a Sponsor Certificate from their parish prior to their acceptance for this role in the faith journey of the candidate.

Sponsors must be living their own lives according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, being Baptized and Confirmed and if married – they are validly married in the Catholic Church as well as attending Mass regularly as the basic minimum of participation in the life of the Church. Parents cannot be sponsors under any circumstances, since they are already considered the “first and best teachers of the faith” for their children.

In preparation for the reception of Confirmation, each candidate will select a saint to choose for their Confirmation name.  Once a name is selected the candidate will complete a Confirmation Saint Report. This is due no later than November 17th of their 8th grade year.