The singing of the Church comes ultimately out of love. It is the utter depth of love that produces the singing. “Cantare amantis est,” says St. Augustine, singing is a lover’s thing. In so saying, we come again to the trinitarian interpretation of Church music. The Holy Spirit is love, and it is he who produces the singing. He is the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit who draws us into love for Christ and so leads to the Father.

Pope Benedict XVI

The Spirit of the Liturgy,” (SF, CA: Ignatius, 2000)

Because music sets the liturgical mood, and good song touches the very heart of one’s being, our parish music ministry is wide and varied.  It consists of three choirs – adult church, adult chapel and children church – as well as cantors and a variety of instrumentalists.  If God gifted you with a singing voice, opportunities for choir membership are ongoing.

Karen Graham is Director and Organist at St. Romuald Chapel. Mrs. Graham can be reached by leaving a message at main office: 401-783-4411

Adult Choir

“Because of the liturgical ministry it performs, the choir—or the Capella musica, or schola cantorum—deserves particular mention. Its role has become something of yet greater importance and weight by reason of the norms of the Council concerning the liturgical renewal. Its duty is, in effect, to ensure the proper performance of the parts which belong to it, according to the different kinds of music sung, and to encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing.”

The parish choir is the backbone of the parish’s Sacred Music program. The choir is charged with providing music for weekend mass as well as certain Holy Days, and Holy Week. The choir sings a diverse repertoire, glorifying God with music throughout history, from Chant, Bach, and Rachmaninoff to the modern Sacred music of John Rutter. While no experience is necessary, dedication and commitment are vital to the success of the group. The choir rehearses on Tuesday nights. Rehearsals begin promptly at 7pm and run until 8:30pm. The choir sings from the middle of September through Trinity Sunday.

Our first choir rehearsal of the season is on Tuesday, September 15, at 7pm in the choir loft. New members are always welcome, and encouraged!

The Cantor serves a vital role in the service. This person is called to lead and encourage congregational singing of the hymns, and to proclaim the Word of God during the psalm.

Music in Catholic Worship (#35) also supports this: “…an individual singer can effectively lead the assembly attractively proclaiming the Word of God in the psalm sung between the readings, and take his or her part in other responsorial singing.”

Our cantors sing at all  Masses where there is no choir and are a vital aspect of the Sacred Music program at St. Francis of Assisi.

Children’s Choir

Our Children’s Choir share their Spirit-filled voices each year for our Christmas Eve and Easter morning Masses! Boys & girls ages 7-12 are most welcome to join! The ability to read music is not required.

Praise! Ensemble
Praise! is a group of high school singers & instrumentalists that utilize praise and worship music for certain Masses and evenings of Eucharistic Adoration.